
APR Rate Disclosure

We ( are not the lenders, so we are not entitled to disclose the exact APR rates. The APR rates vary with every lender as per the rules and regulations made by them and governed by the respective state governments. The customers who are getting in touch with the campaign through the Google ads will get to see the APR rates between 3.95% to 35.99% for a repayment term ranging from 3 months to 3 years (it will be calculated in accordance to the Truth in Lending Act; TILA). So, it is advised to all the customers who are submitting the request for taking the loans from our website to check and review the offer for APR rates. If those APR rates are in accordance with your requirements and needs, then only you can accept the offer. The APR rates are dependent on the following factors:

  • Submit all the details correctly while filling out the application form.
  • Information that is provided by the lenders.

The APR rates also depend on the creditworthiness of the borrower’s profile, so it might get fluctuate as per the changes in the credit score. To apply for a loan, you must have attained the age of 18 years or more. We will share your information with reputable lenders that will provide you the assistance and information about the loan options available. Once you apply for a loan and get approved then you will get an offer of loan from the lender. The lenders will then disclose all the details related to the loans such as associated charges, APR rates, and other loan terms to which you would have to agree before confirming the loan. It is a suggestion provided to all our customers from our end that you have to carefully read and review all the terms and conditions associated with your loan. If you have any queries or concerns related to the loan, you are free to contact us.

Representative Example

If you borrow an amount of $5,000 for a period of 4 years along with an arrangement charge of 8% ($400) then you have to repay $131.67 every month. On the loan, the total repayment amount will be $6,320.16. In this, the 8% fee will be deducted from the principal amount, so the loan cost will be $1,720.16, with a representative APR rate of 18.23%.

Loan Amount

Interest Rate

Loan Terms




Total Repayments

Total Costs



1 Year








2 Years




