
Privacy Policy

The privacy policy stated here is subsequently applied and belongs to all the services and commodities owned by (“Loans”, “Us”, “Our”, “We”). In this privacy policy, all the policies are related to the procedures of data collection by Along with that, it has also entailed the policies that are associated with the use of personal information data that is provided by its customers on our website.

Subsequently, this privacy policy also explains and describes the options that are available regarding how we are accessing and implementing the information provided by you. It also provides the policies related to your access and updates the information provided by you for future usage.

Usage of Google Ads by website

Some of the intricate and important services of Google Ads customer match and remarketing are used by us to exclude the different advertisements that are displayed on the websites of our third-party partners that involve Google, site users, or previous site visitors.

Use of Cookies

We implement the use of different sophisticated techniques of Google Ads remarketing to improve our marketing process that will cater to your requirements and will provide you with the advertisements that are relevant to you and aid you in reaching your needs faster.

We value and respect your privacy which is why we do not use the remarketing system of any third party or google to collect personal information. In some cases, we might use some cookies and other relevant technologies. Sometimes, we allow some particular third parties to provide us assistance in delivering personalized ads that we believe can be helpful for our customers. These third-party businesses can utilize different cookies through the displayed advertisements to monitor and track your user activities in different ways.

Personal Information

The polices get applied to all the information or data that is collected through our website it collects all the information that you provide on our website or other channels such as our third-party partners. The information might include but not limited to:

Use of Personal Information

Here you are giving us your agreement and acknowledgment that different loan providers and third-party partners associated with us may get access to the personal information provided by you on our website for fulfilling your loan request and for conducting their marketing programs. The sharing of information will also include access to sensitive information. As per compliance with the associated federal laws and specifications, we have all the rights reserved with us to share, sell, rent, or disclose the information provided by you to our third-party partners.

Our third-party partners are inclusive of but not limited to consumer credit bureaus, loan providers, consumer reporting agencies, providers of financial services, and direct marketing service providers. Some of the major examples of these organizations are inclusive of email marketers, reference and lookup, suppression and validation, telemarketers, data enhancement, and wireless service providers.

Along with the above terms you have also provided us the authorization to use the information provided by you to collect other other associated details about you from different third-party partners. This will be used in case some of the information was filled incompletely or improperly on the registration form. The third parties may also utilize that information for some legal purposes, which is also subject to the restriction embedded.

The information provided by you to any of our associated loan providers or the third party partner will be governed and controlled by privacy policies applicable and created by that particular third party partner or the loan provider. It is to be brought to your notice that the information collected from you and other associated partners might be used by us to determine your eligibility regarding any of our services, offers, and products in the future.

None of the loan services, products, brokering, or customer services related to any of the applications made by you are not provided by The information provided by any loan provider and the final terms and conditions of the loan products will be determined by that particular loan provider only.

Please be aware that while providing data to our website you are agreed to the fact that you are providing the personal information with your free will, not by the pressure of others. You have given your agreement on the reception of several important and related marketing offers in the future from our end and from the other marketers too that are best to your personal interest according to us and our partners.

You have consented to us to maintain contact with you through any of the below-mentioned channels, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Email marketing
  2. SMS text-based messages (As permitted by applicable laws)
  3. Direct mail marketing
  4. Telemarketing calls (As permitted by applicable laws)
  5. Other considerable channels

With the usage of this particular website, you are providing your consent to getting contacted in any form that is listed above, even in the case you have registered your contact number under the list of do-not-call registers.

In additionally to the above-mentioned terms, may sometimes use your personal information to fulfill their internal business requirements such as analyzing and maintaining our operations, for administration of our website, providing your information to other visitors on their request, and for providing the best customer services catering to the queries and questions to our customers. We can also hire some third-party partners on our premises to manage our website and handle the associated administrative tasks. The information provided by you can be used by those businesses (our third-party partners) for the time they are bound to deliver the services.

We have all the rights reserved to release any kind of past or current information of the users as per the requirement whenever it is provided to us by our third-party partners. It is also be understood in clear if any user has utilized any of our services, products, or site and if he is found to be:

In violating the terms and conditions, this privacy policy, other operating policies, rules, or any other supplementary terms and conditions that can be published on this site with time.

Of found involved in committing any sort of illegal activity.

If in the future, this site gets acquired by or sold to someone else then you will get notified through an email and a notice on our website describing the change in the ownership or usage of your personal information.

If the information provided by you is demanded by the judicial bodies for any sort of regulatory inquiry or proceeding for some legal processes we will provide them with it. We believe that this disclosure is crucial for protecting our rights and protecting the safety of you and other associated individuals. We are entitled to share the information asked by the government authorities for investigating purposes.

By registering on our website, you have provided your consent to the fact that we can make a call to you even if your number was registered in the specific do-not-call list whenever it will be required. This agreement will also be inclusive of applications or inquiries for Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule (16 CFR 310 et seq.) purposes and get modified or amended from time to time. It will be applicable as per state regulation of do-not-call. Due to this rule, we have the right to contact you through any of our telemarketing methods even if your number was listed in the federal or state government’s do-not-call list or is listed on the do-not-call list of the Federal Trade Commission.

If you have any query in your mind regarding this statement, then you are free to reach out to us at our email ID: We at are completely devoted towards providing safety to your privacy and your interest while you visit our site. Moreover, you can anytime give a visit on our site and explore the available options without providing your personal information.

Non-Personal Information

We take access to your IP addresses for generating and sharing the curated data related to the traffic and patterns of the websites you have visited; it will facilitate us in enhancing and managing the overall performance of our website. This information can also be shared with other third-party partners, they might use the statistics to gather profile data and demographics and to track the user movement for different purposes. We can also employ some third-party vendors that provide analytical services for reviewing and collecting information such as mouse movements, scrolling activity, mouse clicks, and text input on the website by you; this information can be further utilized by us or our third-party partners for better understanding the user interaction on our website.

Access to Personal Information

If in the future you wish to discontinue the services provided by us or want to edit or change your personal information provided on our website, then you can easily get it done. You can anytime update, correct, or delete personal information provided by you on our website by sending an email to our customer support team at You can also do it by establishing a telephonic contact with us or you can send a postal mail to our address that is listed below. We will get back to you with the resolution at the earliest possible.

Our commitment to Children’s Policy

It has been our top priority to protect the privacy of the young children. In order to maintain our priority, we do not maintain or collect any sort of information that is related to anyone who is under the age of 18 years. Moreover, we are also taking care of the things that none of our website and the parts associated with it are not structured or planned in a manner that they attracts visitors who are under the age of 18 years.

Email Campaigns

In some instances, we use the email addresses provided by you to send you newsletters and other consumer-related materials. We are also following and implementing the Zero Tolerance Policy for instances related to any sort of email abuse. In the future, if anytime you receive any spam emails from us then you can easily report the matter to our dedicated team through our support channel i.e.,

Opt-out/ Choice

You are provided with the option to opt out or choose to receive the emails and other connection modes regarding any sort of new offers from any of the third-party partners or third-party marketers with whom your information has been shared through You have all the rights to inform third-party marketers about your choices related to the sharing and usage of your personal information when they approach you. You can stop receiving the newsletters or/ and any promotional communication from us by following the instructions provided in each communication or the newsletter, or you can also do it by sending an email to stop the newsletters on our support channel

Co-Branded Disclosure and External Web Sites

You must be informed that the website of contains the forms and links associated with some other brands (co-branded) that direct you to the websites of those brands. We are not liable in any manner in regard to the practices of the privacy policy of those websites. You must know that, whenever you fill out an application form through our website, then the information provided by you on the website will be collected and accessed by our loan providers or affiliates rather than our own website. We request you to be careful while using the website for reading our privacy policies or/and terms and conditions of each associated website.

Tracking Technologies and our associated affiliates, service providers, and partners adopt the implementation of different technologies such as tags, beacons, web browser scripts, web browser local storage, and cookies. This is being done for analyzing the trends, collecting different demographic information regarding the user base, administering the site, and tracking the movement of users on the site. We can also collect information about how the associated businesses utilize these technologies.


Through our website, we provide the general public an easy access to the blogs and the community forums. You should be aware that any individual or group that has access to the blogs or the community forums can read, utilize, or collect the information entered by you. If you want some of your personal information to be removed from our community forums or blogs, then you can easily get it done by sending us a request email at It will be done at the earliest, but in some of the cases, it is not possible to delete or remove your personal information. In those cases, our team will reach out to you and will brief you about the issues and provide you with a valid explanation for the same.


Maintaining the security and safety of the information provided by you is our top most priority. We do not collect any sort of your sensitive data through our website, this data includes your Social Security Number or Credit Card details. We at, have acquired and implemented our database system with SSL certification to provide an extra layer of safety to your data. Our system is shielded against other websites that can cause harm to our website through copying or spoofing our information.

All the robust and encrypted industry-accepted standards are followed by us to protect your personal information during the phase of receiving or transmitting the information. But a fact cannot be neglected that utilization of any method associated with electronic transmission or storage with the aid of the internet is secured. Hence, the guarantee of overall security and safety of the personal information provided by you is taken by us, even if we have made all the necessary arrangements for safeguarding your information through the implementation of best-in-class encryption methods.

You can easily establish contact with us through our support channel regarding any concern that may arise related to the security protocols of our website.

Data Retention

Your personal information will be retained by us till the time you will keep your account active or till the time we feel that it is important to provide you with the services. You can get in touch with us through different channels of contact provided if you want to stop us from providing you services, or use your information, or in case you want to get your account terminated. We keep your information in a file and will use it in cases when it will be required, such as to settle disputes, uphold the agreements, and fulfill the legal requirements.

Social Media Widgets

Our website is also integrated with some of the common features of social media such as the Like button, Share button, widgets, and other mini-interactive programs just like Facebook. In order to make these features effective on our website, you may have to allow a cookie that will collect info on your IP address. It will help in determining your current position on our website, and on which page you are hovering. We will host all the social media features and widgets on our website or will get them hosted on our website through some third-party vendor. The third-party company that is offering these services will set the terms and conditions regarding your interaction with the features and widgets of social media.

Copyright Notice

Implementation of the federal copyright laws has been done to provide data protection to all the materials that are defined and published on our website. Any attempt to republish, display, reproduce, distribute, or exploit it in any manner is completely prohibited without the advanced written consent of Lead Brix International LLC.

Contact Us

You can establish a connection with us regarding any of your questions, queries, suggestions, or comments by sending us an email at

Changes to Privacy Statement

We at have reserved all the rights in our sole discretion to modify, change, remove, or/and add any part of this privacy policy at any time in the future. Therefore, it is advised to all the customers to keep a check on a regular basis to the website for any sort of changes that are being done by us. Your acceptance of the modified privacy statement will be considered if you accept the email expressing the updated policies or/and you continue to use the site.

To keep you posted and informed about the data we gather, how it is used by us, and whether it is released or not, we usually post these sorts of modifications in our privacy statement on this “Privacy Policy” page, “Homepage”, or any other appropriate location on our website. It is advised to keep a regular check on the privacy policies as these are subject to consistent changes. We will send you and notification regarding the changes in the privacy policy via this page, notice on the homepage, or an email before all the changes are made effective on the services offered by us.

North Dakota Residents

None of your information will be shared with any of our associated unaffiliated third parties or the banking institutions without obtaining your consent, until and unless it is authorized or required by the law and the federal bodies.

Vermont Residents: Unless it is authorized or mandated by the legal bodies, we are not entitled to share your personal information with our affiliates, unaffiliated third parties, or associated banking bodies without obtaining your consent.

Nevada Residents: If you have any query regarding this notice or the Law of Nevada associated with corporate do-not-call registries, you can establish contact with us through the provided modes of contact or you can get connected to the Bureau of Consumer Protection situated at the Office of the Nevada Attorney General.

California Residents: We are not entitled to share the information collected by you with any of our non-affiliated or affiliated third parties, it will be done in some exceptional circumstances when we have your permission (taken through a request form) or is being permitted by federal law. We can show our disregard for the Do Not Track signals to provide better services and experience to our valuable customers. It is to be brought to your notice that, while you access our website, our third parties can collect your personal information related to your online activities across different websites over time.